I have toyed with the idea of photographing a subject in harsh light, but never really made plans to schedule the shoot. Let’s be honest. I was afraid of harsh light. I preferred the beauty of the sweet hour (the natural light right before sunset or right after sunrise). It’s the most flattering light for everyone. I also enjoyed sessions on a cloudy day. The clouds provide nice even light. Photographing in harsh light never appealed to me. I didn’t want my images to have hard lines, and I wasn’t a fan of dappled light. Still not a fan. However, all of that changed in October. I decided that I wanted to photograph someone during the worst time of day – between 10:00 am – 3:00 PM.
I put out a model call in one of my photography groups. I already had the dress. I purchased it this summer at a local thrift store. I selected my model, Gabrielle, and she was lovely. I also purchased a neutral density filter specifically for this shoot, and to use in future sessions. I purchased a couple of vases and a basket from Goodwill for the session, and bought sunflowers from HEB. I was going to use a canvas as the “blanket”, but JoAnn’s was too crowded. Shame on me for waiting until the last minute. I packed the crate that I had at home to be part of the scene.
I arrived at Brushy Creek early to scout out areas. Although, I’ve had several sessions at the park before, it wasn’t at this time of day. Naturally, the light was different. I did know that I wanted to shoot in the open field to take full advantage of the light.
When Gabrielle arrived, I met her in the parking lot, and gave her the dress. Another reason that I like shooting at Brushy Creek Park is because it has a bathroom where the model can change. We made our way to the open field, and I set up the set. I gave Gabrielle the theme of the session, “Her Royal Highness”, and she killed it. I played my Spotify channel. We laughed and talked during the session. I was able to complete the session in 40 minutes. When I culled the session, I was so pleased with the frames. The white balance was spot on, and I didn’t have to edit. Here are a few of my favorites.
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