In May, the business “Selfie World” opened in Round Rock, Texas. It’s a business with at least 10 different scenes where you can take selfies, or hold photography sessions, and they’re popping up all over the US. Bloggers like it because it they’re provided with several different scenses to create content for their social media platforms. For photographers, it’s […]
Second look from Time for Print Session with Rebecca
Sarahwas the second model who sat for my Spanish Harlem project. She responded to my post in one of the local photography groups. We scheduled to meet on August 18 in the morning. Our session was in the same area that I photographed Diêlha. I wanted the same theme, and I wanted to see what Sarah would bring to […]
A couple of months ago, a photographer in one of my Facebook groups put out feelers for women who would be interested in a traveling dress project. The concept for this is one dress in multiple different photo sessions. Each photographer would have the dress for a designated period of time, complete a photo shoot, and then […]
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